Ewing Deceiver Patch

Ewing Feather Birds, Inc.

These patches are cut from the lower section of a neck and are, as you might have assumed, great for dying deceivers and other streamers. They also work very well for splayed hackle patterns and popper tails.
Product Price Quantity Stock
Shrimp Pink/Grizzly Shrimp Pink/Grizzly (119375)
$32.95 2
Olive/Grizzly Olive/Grizzly (119376)
$32.95 4
Chartreuse/Grizzly Chartreuse/Grizzly (119377)
$32.95 2
Orange/Grizzly Orange/Grizzly (119378)
$32.95 2
White White (123210)
$32.95 3

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