Fly Fishing Travel
- Fly Fishing Travel
- Places to Go
- Travel Tips
- Sample Fly Fishing Packing List
One of the rules we live by is "never leave home without a fly rod." With that in mind, we've put together some information you might find helpful as you plan your next trip. We can offer some ideas of Places to Go, Travel Tips to make your trip more enjoyable and a Sample Packing List. For our philosophy on traveling with a fly rod, read on.

Fly fishing and travel are two things that go together exceptionally well. The pursuit of our sport has provided many of us with the excuse necessary to travel to some of the most beautiful spots on earth. There is an enormous variety of waters across the face of the earth and a wonderful assortment of fish that inhabit them. While it is possible to find very good fishing in some decidedly uninviting places, most popular fly fishing destinations would rate near the top of the scale with both fly fishers and those who have never picked up a rod. All that goes to say that when I get an opportunity to fly fish somewhere new I take it.
For those who wish to go fishing somewhere away from home there are many options available. You can choose to go to an exclusive lodge where you will be catered to day and night, go on a self-guided trip, or something in between. Each option can provide a great experience.

Regardless of whether I'm planning a fishing trip or not, I rarely go anywhere without a fly rod. Somewhere around 70% of the earth's surface is covered with water which gives you excellent odds of ending up near water. I've carried my rod on a number of trips where it never saw water but I've also happened upon some of the better spots I've fished when I wasn't even looking for them. A particular river in Austria with crystal clear water and 20+ inch trout comes to mind…
If you're interested in doing some traveling, let us know. It may be that we have been to the place you are considering visiting and, if not, odds are we know someone else who has.

We have spent some time putting together a Places to Go page with information on some of the better places we have gone, both near and far, which will hopefully be useful if you are planning a trip. If you would like some more information please contact us or stop by the shop.