Ewing Wooly Bugger Packs

Ewing Feather Birds, Inc.

These long, thin feathers are perfect for wooly buggers. They also work well for tails and sidebars for small to medium sized streamers.
Product Price Quantity Stock
Chartreuse/Grizzly Chartreuse/Grizzly (119259)
$9.95 2
Orange/Grizzly Orange/Grizzly (119262)
$9.95 3
Olive/Grizzly Olive/Grizzly (119264)
$9.95 4
White Dyed Olive White Dyed Olive (119266)
$9.95 2
Purple Purple (123211)
$9.95 5
Coachman Brown Coachman Brown (119193)
$9.95 4

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